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a dark corner alley.
another victim of love.
she pulls her dress down.
maybe some more lip gloss.
a compact mirror.
his hand on her face.
the black tears running.
her mascara. eyeliner.


a bathroom mirror.
powdering her nose.
pretty pink dress.
no runs in the hose.
her high heels click.
an arm rough on her waist.
lips closing on hers.
a hard lip gloss kiss.


an easel sat tall.
sunlight through the window.
a brush dabbing soft.
mixing colors and hues.
shes biting her lip.
no she has it all wrong.
his nose is so crooked.
her finger now white.


pretty glass bottles.
lining the drawers.
picking just one.
she hates this chore.
filing them down.
and painting them thin.
softly blowing them dry.
slipped on the doorknob.


07.19.02 I wrote this poem. for this website. copyright cas 2002

my online diary